BMW Motorrad USA
BMW cars is well known in America, but that is not the same for BMW Motorrad, which has only 15% share of the US motorcycle market. So it was big news when BMW announced they were going to extend their M series of cars to include the first ever M motorcycle. We were asked to come up with an idea that would introduce it in a compelling and cost-effective way, while demonstrating its capability.
We set out to get to know our target – younger, modern working moms who were comfortable making trade-offs in how she cares for her family. This modern mom’s world was a far cry from the relative calm and orderly routine of her mother’s generation, so we had a hunch that she might accept an upstart brand with innovative features and solutions built for her modern, busy life. A brand that shared her brilliant, multitasking ability to deal with all the insanity and pull off life’s daily miracles with a sense of humor.
We positioned LG as an essential part of mom’s “momtourage” – a co-conspirator who keeps her secrets about the schemes and shortcuts she uses to make it all work. We identified simple and often hilariously subversive truths that modern moms feel about their lives and their families. Our “Mom’s Inner Voice” TV campaign manifested these truths through frank and humorous inner thoughts that are never said out loud. The campaign came to life online through videos and an extensive digital and social initiative curated and shared through #MomConfessions on Tumblr.

- 31% rise in purchase intent
- 150% rise in engagement